GDPR Scan | Comply


Scan your clients' websites and never again wait for completed checklists.

Scan Screen Mockup

We see everything

check Over 166,000 third-party resources detected

check Scan of subpages included

check Comprehensive information on third-party providers and cookies used

Knowledge base

With the Comply knowledge base you always have the right context. We offer you insight into company details from over 1800 third party providers. This enables you to better assess which data is being processed.

GDPR Scan Knowledge Base
GDPR Scan Privacy Policy Comparison

Comparison with the privacy policy

With each scan, your client's current privacy policy is compared with the scan result and visualized with the help of a traffic light scheme. You can see at a glance whether or not a third-party provider is already mentioned in the privacy statement.

Comparison between scans

Compare two scan results and find out in no time which third parties your client has added or removed.

GDPR Scan Comparison